11 March, 2025

Regional Centre


Master of Science in Counselling and Family Therapy (MSC(CFT))

Minimum Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 5 Years
Minimum Age: No bar
Maximum Age: No bar


19. Master of Science in MSCCFT Bachelor’s degree with specialization in subjects like Human Development and Family Studies. Child Development, Human Development and Childhood Studies, Child Development and Family Relationships, Home Science, Psychology, Social Work, Medicine or other allied disciplines, “Allied disciplines include Anthropology,
Sociology, Education, Philosophy, MBBS or equivalent qualification in Ayurveda, Unani, Sidha or Homeopathy Medicines, Nursing etc. from a recognized University.
Bachelor’s degree with a higher degree in any of the above mentioned subjects or Bachelor’s Degree along with a Post
Graduate Diploma in Guidance and Counselling from a recognized University. 

The M.Sc. programme in the area of Counselling and Family Therapy is aimed at developing professionals in this vital field, which is gaining greater salience in the present times both from social and employment perspectives. The contemporary social scenario has resulted in an increased need and demand for professional support in terms of counselling and
family therapy, which is being increasingly recognized as an effective approach both for promoting positives like strengthening family ties, fostering positive parenting, and increasing resilience of individuals in vulnerable situations as well as for addressing negative aspects such as socio-psychological problems, maladaptive behaviours, declining mental health, and psychosomatic disorders that are being increasingly witnessed in the present times. However, though the
need for counselling and family therapy professionals is being increasingly felt, there is a dearth of professional support and experts who could lend a helping hand in promoting positive family processes and help individual family members in distress in a comprehensive way. As a result, there is a tremendous felt need for education and training in this area. By
developing the requisite knowledge, understanding, attitudes and skills in the area of Counselling and Family Therapy, this unique programme of study would help to train professional cadres in the field, equipping them for both wage-employment and selfemployment, and thus fill the existing lacuna. A remarkable feature of this programme of study is its focus on the applied aspect and the thrust on opportunities for hands-on experience for the learner. In fact, almost half the credits of this Master’s Degree Programme are ear-marked for application-oriented learning opportunities. In the second year of the
programme, the learner has the option to be trained in Marital and Family Therapy; Child and Adolescent Counselling and Therapy; or Substance Abuse Counselling and Therapy. Yet another special feature of the programme is that it has a provision of exit point for learners (after one year) in the form of P.G. Diploma in Counselling and Family Therapy (PGDCFT).

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